
Clean & Seal Headstone 

Restoration Services 

Mount Plaque or Vase 

Ordering a Memorial

The process of ordering a monument can be confusing and overwhelming.  We strive to make this process as simple as possible and walk you through every step.  We give you a competitive upfront cost on the granite and lettering based on what you desire.  We keep our overhead low and pass the savings on to you. 

Clean & MonuSeal Memorial

Cleaning and Monusealing a memorial is a service that involves power-washing, use of a granite specific cleaner, scrubbing the memorial with brushes or using pumice, re-power-washing, drying and applying Monuseal to help protect the stone from further damage. This service can help restore the appearance of a headstone and prolong its lifespan, while also showing respect and care for the person it honors.

Mounting Va Plaque or Vase(s)

Mounting a VA plaque or vase(s) is a service that involves attaching them to a monument. The plaque or vase(s) can be used to provide additional information about the person the memorial honors or to hold flowers or other memorial decorations. The service may include drilling holes into the monument to attach them securely, and ensuring that it is level and positioned correctly. This service can help personalize and enhance the memorialization of a loved one.

Cemetery Restoration Services 

Restoration of a fallen or broken memorial is a service that involves repairing and restoring a monument to as close as possible to it's original condition. This may include re-attaching the memorial to its base or foundation, repairing any cracks or damage to the stone, and ensuring that it is level and secure. This service can help preserve the integrity and dignity of the person the memorial honors, and ensure that their final resting place remains intact.

Setting memorial

Setting a memorial is a service that involves the installation of a monument at a the cemetery. The installation process may vary depending on the type and size of the monument, as well as the specific requirements of the cemetery. Properly setting a memorial ensures that it remains stable and secure, and provides a lasting tribute to the person it honors.